

The Backdrop

Bitcoin is not just an asset or technology; it’s also a decentralized, open network. This distinction is significant, as it highlights a fundamental aspect of Bitcoin’s nature. The evidence supporting this assertion lies in the analysis of Bitcoin’s price, total hash rate, and user growth, all of which display a strong power law relationship over time, dating back to its inception. Power laws are a natural outcome of networks governed by a discernible process or mechanism. For Bitcoin, this process is outlined by the rules of Bitcoin Core, including the difficulty adjustment algorithm and the supply halving schedules.

The fact that Bitcoin growth adheres to a power law was first discovered by Giovanni Santostasi circa 2014. This finding has since been independently corroborated by numerous analysts and researchers. Today, The Bitcoin Power Law Theory stands as the most reliable model for understanding Bitcoin’s past and future value.

This breakthrough has unlocked a new frontier in the scientific study of Bitcoin. Beyond its utility in predicting price movements, the model provides a framework for quantifying the network’s emergent properties. This development is expected to culminate in a comprehensive Network Theory of Bitcoin, bridging the gap between the software-encoded properties and the broader principles of socio-dynamics. As Bitcoin is poised to become a global standard for currency, the potential for establishing economics on a rigorous scientific foundation could be a landmark achievement of the century.

The Website

Temonet, aka The Money Network, is a personal website with the aim of building towards a scientific framework for Bitcoin grounded in Network Theory.

The platform will feature technical articles published on a regular basis. The content is organized into three main categories that form the pillars of the new scientific framework for Bitcoin:

  • Price: This section provides detailed analysis of Bitcoin’s financial and economic aspects. It explores everything from price patterns and market dynamics to broader economic implications. The fascinating power law relationship in Bitcoin’s price action is of particular interest, with a focus on uncovering and explaining such mathematical patterns.

  • Hash: This section delves into Bitcoin’s backbone - the mining ecosystem and network security. It analyzes hashrate trends, mining economics, and security considerations that keep this decentralized network running.

  • User: This section examines Bitcoin adoption patterns and user behavior. Understanding how and why people use Bitcoin is crucial for projecting its future trajectory.

Each published article comes with a comment section powered by Giscus. Readers are encouraged to review the article and provide their reactions and critical feedback. The article will then be updated based on the feedback in a manner similar to academic peer review.

In addition to in-depth articles, the website offers live charts and interactive tools. The live charts can be accessed through the Dashboard tab. These resources are designed to facilitate further exploration and analysis of the research presented. Embracing the open-source ethos and spirit of knowledge sharing that defines Bitcoin, Temonet makes the source code for its analysis tools publicly available whenever possible. Articles marked with the “source-code” tag provide direct access to the corresponding tools and code. It is hoped that these resources will be valuable to others pursuing their own research and analysis in the field.

The Author

I am a highly science and technology oriented individual with a unique blend of academic and professional experience. I hold a PhD in Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in Computational Dynamics and have made significant contributions to the development of advanced mathematical models for simulating sound in lattice composites (link to thesis dissertation). Additionally, I have over 5 years of experience working in the world’s leading semiconductor manufacturing industry, where I played a key role in designing cutting-edge high precision systems and have multiple patents to my name.

My fascination with Bitcoin as a technology and its potential to revolutionize the concept of money has been growing for years. However, it wasn’t until I stumbled upon the Bitcoin Power Law on X and YouTube that I felt compelled to share my thoughts and insights with the world. The response to my initial posts on X was overwhelmingly positive, encouraging me to continue exploring and sharing my findings. Temonet represents the next step in this journey, as I strive to contribute meaningfully to the scientific understanding and discussion surrounding Bitcoin.

Ashwin Sridhar

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